
New Outbreak Reported in China


Langya Henipavirus detected in 35 individuals in Shangdong and Henan provinces

As reported in the New England Journal of Medicine a team from the Beijing Institute of Microbiological Epidemiology and the National University of Singapore detected a virus in at least 35 people and is named Langya Henipavirus. The virus is from the Paramyxoviridae family and has symptons including high fever, fatigue, cough, anorexria and leukopenia, and impacts liver and kidneys were detected. The virus can result in serious complications that can be fatal.

A serosurvey of various animals detected that shrews have the highest seroreceptivity of 27% and is hypothesized to be the natural resevoir host in nature. Other animals had measureable serorecptivity levels include dogs at 5% and goats at 2%.

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