
Colombia offers immigration hope to Venezuelans


As a hopeful relief, the announcement of the Colombian government to establish the so-called Temporary Protection Statute, communicated by the president of this New Granada nation, Iván Duque, can be described.

This new legal immigration instrument will regularize the permanent status of one million 960 thousand Venezuelans who are undocumented and will exonerate one million 730 thousand from regular renewals stipulated by Colombian immigration law.

The first Colombian president indicated that this statute will apply to migrants who have registered entry in the country until January 31, 2021 and will result in benefits such as medical care in the public system, education and incorporation into the productive system of that country through the I work for Venezuelans. This immigration exception will last for 10 years.

On the other hand, he said that Venezuelans may be welcomed by the vaccination program against covid-19.

The attorney general of this country already has in its hands the respective office to recommend to the president that the application of the statute be via decree or send it to the congress to approve the execution.

Colombia has been the main recipient of Venezuelan refugees since it currently hosts more than 37% of the 4.6 million Venezuelan refugees and immigrants estimated to exist throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

International humanitarian assistance organizations such as the United Nations Agency for Refugees (UNHCR), and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), celebrated the measure “This daring humanitarian gesture serves as an example for the region and the rest of the world”, The High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, who is in Colombia, said in a statement.

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