Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic registers 392 confirmed cases with COVID-19 and 10 deaths


The Minister of Public Health, Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas, reported this Wednesday that the number of cases of coronavirus in the country increased to ten and to 392 confirmed cases.

The median age for the deceased is 65 years.

With a history of chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma, kidney failure, and tobacco use. Four correspond to the Duarte province.

24 days after the first case of Covid-19 was released, the Dominican Republic is reaching the fourth risk scenario for this pandemic, by placing itself on the border of community transmission, which implies that not only must surveillance increase and identification of cases, but to take extreme action to stop transmission.

Yesterday the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas, assured that the country is still within the transmission by conglomerates, which falls within the third scenario of the risk classification made by the World Health Organization (WHO), but He warned that it is on the border of community transmission.

He explained that the cases that the country has so far respond to patterns of conglomerates, among which he highlighted four parties that were celebrated and the travelers of the Costa Fabulosa Cruise in which 110 doctors were, some of them confirmed as positive for the virus and others in process. He also denied that there are records of infected doctors within hospitals.

Among the actions recommended by the international organization for this scenario is to extend surveillance beyond localized outbreaks and to test or rule out each of the suspicions, the preparation of health personnel, strive to reduce transmission and the number of cases , in addition to stopping the emergence of new outbreaks. As well as the self-isolation of all the symptomatic ones and to discard each one of the suspected cases.

According to the classification, scenario one corresponds to countries without confirmed cases, two for those with imported cases, three for cases of local transmission and clusters, and fourth for those with community transmission.

From Listín Diario

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