Dominican Republic

Ezequiel Molina affirms that scoundrels are guilty of the current problems of the country and the world


The world is failing at present because most of the men who hold the responsibility of guiding him are scoundrels, the evangelical pastor Ezequiel Molina Rosario affirmed on Tuesday afternoon when he delivered his usual sermon on January 1 at the concentration The Battle of Faith

The religious made an extrapolation of the story of King David when he gave guidance to his son Solomon on how he should treat certain tribes and said that David put limits on impunity, which he considers is abundant at present.

He said that David advised his son because he knew that the time to die was near, but that there are currently military, political, industrialists who believe that they will never die.

Molina, again, expressed the church’s rejection of abortion, considering that it would legalize the murders in the bodies of women.

“Today we boast of our robotic technology and artificial intelligence that seems to be the substitutes of this generation that wants to be characterized by its heart of steel, soul without feelings; where they destroy values ​​and annul the identity, the era of the trans and the progress. The unconfirmed crimes such as abortion and euthanasia are celebrated as good, human beings are despised when they are old and they hate those who have not been born yet, “said Molina.

The president of the Ministry Battle of the Faith, reiterated that “not everyone born male is a man, there are many who are weather vanes. The vague is not a man; man is the one who works. I think that is what is most needed in the churches and in society. “

He criticized the men who are serious, but who have been cowards, because “for fear of a push have left the court to the perverse to play at ease.”

Molina Rosario also referred to the inheritance of some in the country and considered that increasingly more corruption scandals arise.

“Mafias organized for larceny are revealed; entrenched in the different power structures or with a vocation for power, because there are mafias in the opposition parties and there are mafias in the government, structures that have been assaulted or infiltrated by gangs of evildoers driven by an unlimited ambition and that often act at the margin of those who direct, making clear that not enough care was taken of the ethics and the trajectory of these public servants at the time of choosing them, “he added.

He considered that people of good principles and values ​​should change that and they should take the risk of contributing from the stage and not just observe and comment from the balcony.

Finally, he recommended not to pay attention to the “mediocre people who, for the only thing that their brain can reach, is to disqualify, criticize, destroy prestige and honor”.

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