Dominican RepublicPoliticsVenezuela

Former President of Bolivia qualifies Nicolás Maduro’s government, as “Midas in reverse”


Regarding his visit to the Dominican Republic, to participate in the Seminar “Latin America: Opportunities and Challenges” organized by the Analysis Center for Public Policy (CAPP) along with the Liberal Network of Latin America and the International Foundation for Freedom (FIL) was held last Friday, October 12, the former president of Bolivia, Tuto Quiroga said that “Venezuela, the richest country in the Americas has collapsed in all imaginable dimensions.”

During the meeting with students of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, the former president pointed out that in the South American country there is “a total economic collapse. Since Maduro arrived to date, Venezuela’s economy is less than half and it has the highest hyperinflation in the world, a humanitarian catastrophe without limits. ”

He added that it was due to the economic debacle, have multiplied diseases that had already been eradicated such as measles, malaria and disease. “A Venezuelan mother queues once a week, marked as cattle, on the day assigned by her card, in an endless queue and hyperinflation devours the value of the bills in the wallet. “Quiroga,” Quiroga added.

He compared the Venezuelan exodus with that of Syria, assuring that it is much greater. “Venezuela is really Midas on the reverse, it is taking the gold and leaving it we could and I will tell you that it has happened sadly in that country,” he said.

He emphasized the importance of recognizing in time the symptoms of a democratic erosion when it can be stopped and not when it is already late and a limitless representation in Venezuela and Nicaragua is desired.

Finally, he referred to the Liberator Simon Bolivar and in that sense thanked Venezuela, “thanks to a Venezuelan with a hip, a horse, crossed the Andes, freedom and independence, today I have a country that is free and independent and When they ask me why we help Venezuela so much, I always respond in gratitude and reciprocity.

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