Dominican RepublicVenezuelaDominican Government adopts resolution to normalize Venezuelan status in that country.Yuslenys HernandezJanuary 26, 2021396The ministries of Foreign Relations (Mirex) and of the Interior...
VenezuelaIn Spain, Ombudsman asks that temporary protection be granted to Venezuelan citizensYuslenys HernandezOctober 5, 2018253The Ombudsman (e.f.), Francisco Fernández Marugán, has recommended to the...
ColombiaVenezuelaMore than 140 thousand Venezuelans have entered Chile between January and July of 2018Yuslenys HernandezAugust 27, 2018257A total of 147,429 Venezuelans entered Chile between January 1...
ColombiaVenezuelaDesperate Venezuelans defy Ecuador’s passport rules and cross borderYuslenys HernandezAugust 20, 2018259IPIALES, Colombia (Reuters) - Dozens of furious Venezuelan migrants fleeing...
UncategorizedVenezuelans die in crossing to EcuadorYuslenys HernandezAugust 14, 2018340More than 20 people, including Venezuelans, died early on Tuesday,...