
Venezuelans die in crossing to Ecuador


More than 20 people, including Venezuelans, died early on Tuesday, August 14, in a traffic accident that occurred on a road between the Ecuadorian towns of Pifo and Papallacta, 30 kilometers from the capital.

The accident was caused by the collision of a bus from a Cotrans cooperative in Colombia, which moved the Colombians and Venezuelans to Lago Agrio, capital of the Province of Sucumbíos, to the north of the Ecuadorian nation.

The Fire Brigade of Quito confirms the preliminary form of the death of 23 people. Of them, 22 adult children and two minors. Another 14 were injured.

Lieutenant Verónica Toapanta de los Bomberos indicated that the bus overturned and hit a van during the accident this morning.

Christian Andrés Parra Silva, driver of the accident vehicle with Colombian license, inside the deceased.

At least three houses were affected by the accident. Structural damage, broken windows and destroyed belongings are part of the affectations reported by three families.

The relief agencies have reported that four people were injured in the Hospital of Los Valles, five in the Hospital de Calderón, three in the clinic in San Francisco, four people in the Eugenio Espejo Hospital and two minors in the Children’s Hospital Baca Ortiz


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