12 thousand Venezuelan musicians unite in concert, in search of Guinness record for largest orchestra in the world

In an unprecedented show in Venezuela, the National System of Youth and Children’s Orchestras of that country sought on Saturday the Guinness record as the largest orchestra in the world – with 12,000 musicians – simultaneously playing the “Slavic March” by the Russian-born composer Piotr Tchaikovsky. .
The Patio de Honor of the Military Academy, in the Fort Tiuna complex, located in Caracas, was the stage where the thousands of members, including children and young people, imposed the long-awaited mark after an hour of concert.
Eduardo Méndez, executive director of the orchestra system, explained days before the event that, to break the record, specialist musicians would perform “a symphonic work of the universal repertoire” that lasted more than 5 minutes and that each of the performers had to count with his own instrument.
To attest that all the required requirements were met, the presence of nearly 300 independent Guinness World Record monitors and two local music specialist witnesses were required.
From La Voz de América.