
Elliott Abrams traveled to the Vatican to discuss the crisis in Venezuela


The head of the US government for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, traveled last week to Rome to meet there with the secretary of state of the Vatican, Pietro Parolin, and the cardinal of Caracas, Baltazar Porras. The three spoke about possible solutions to the Venezuelan crisis, according to the site Al Navío.

While much of the hierarchy of the Venezuelan church has maintained a critical and denouncing attitude of Nicolás Maduro’s regime, Pope Francisco has a position much closer to the Venezuelan dictator, whom he even received in the Holy See. That has generated criticism in Venezuela and other countries in the world.

With the Venezuelan crisis deepening day by day and the political situation in a jam in the Maduro clings to a government that is not recognized by most of the world and Juan Guaidó tries to exercise as interim president but without real power to lead the country , the different national and international actors have begun to explore alternative paths.

In this context, delegates from Maduro and Guaidó traveled to Oslo this week for a second round of talks sponsored by the Norwegian government. And, now you know, Abrams traveled to Rome to try to align positions with the Holy See.

In 2016, the Vatican tried to bring positions between Chavez and the opposition. Maduro then committed himself to a democratic opening, the release of political prisoners and to make clean elections, something that never happened.

Abrams was received on Thursday by Parolin, who before becoming secretary of state was apostolic nuncio in Venezuela. According to the ship, Porras raised the need to allow the entry of humanitarian aid to Venezuela to alleviate the famine and the shortage of medicines in the country.

Many distrust the possibility of success of these negotiations that have already failed in the past. Last week, OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro told Infobae that he distrusted Norwegian mediation because “this is not a conflict of parties but how to get out of a dictatorship” and the Nordic country continues to recognize to Maduro as legitimate president.

With information from Infobae.

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