Dominican RepublicAuthorities of the Dominican Republic will prohibit the movement of heavy cargo in the national district of Santo DomingoyuslenysSeptember 17, 2021September 17, 2021453The authorities of the Dominican Republic will soon start a...
VenezuelaWorldMichelle Bachelet condemned the intimidation and criminalization of human rights defenders in VenezuelayuslenysSeptember 13, 2021September 13, 2021396The High Commissioner for Human Rights also denounced that the...
VenezuelaTragedy on Isla La TortugayuslenysSeptember 10, 2021September 10, 20211.3kLast Friday in the morning, a Venezuelan family with the...
WorldMexico decriminalizes abortion after historic court decisionyuslenysSeptember 10, 2021September 10, 2021602The Supreme Court annuls the prison that punishes the voluntary...
videosWorld#Video | A 7.1 magnitude earthquake shakes central MexicoyuslenysSeptember 8, 2021September 8, 2021456The earthquake originated 14 kilometers from Acapulco, in the state...
USvideosWorld#Video | US Mobilizes Aid After “Catastrophic” Hurricane IdayuslenysAugust 31, 2021August 31, 2021479The rescue efforts and the recounting of the devastation caused...
USWorldNew Orleans braces for “extremely dangerous” Hurricane IdayuslenysAugust 29, 2021August 29, 2021520Tens of thousands of residents of New Orleans and the...
UncategorizedVenezuela#VIDEO | At least 20 dead from landslides in VenezuelayuslenysAugust 27, 2021August 27, 2021458At least 20 people have been confirmed dead after the...
USWorldBiden keeps August 31 as the deadline to evacuate Afghanistan amid mounting pressure from the TalibanyuslenysAugust 25, 2021August 25, 2021433After learning of the meeting of the CIA director with...
SportVenezuelaMiguel Cabrera to the 500 home run club!yuslenysAugust 23, 2021August 23, 2021600Miguel Cabrera became the 28th member of the 500 home...