
Colombia extends the deadline to request a special permit to stay


Migration Colombia extended until December 21 the deadline for Venezuelans, registered in the Administrative Registry of Venezuelan Migrants (RAMV), which will publish the Special Permit of Permanence (PEP), as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was informed by means of a communiqué.

“The decision to extend the time for the issuance of the Special Permit of Permanence (PEP) is part of the strategy that the Government has been implementing for the attention of the Venezuelan migration and that is in the National Council of Economic and Social Policy (Conpes) ) 2018, “said the director general of Migration Colombia, Christian Krüger, in the document.

The measure will benefit more than 170,000 users who are in the country, but can not get permission on Saturday, last Saturday, explained Migration.

The director of Migration recalled that there was a “high number” of Venezuelans who have not yet registered and in the event that they will not remain in the condition of “irregular” and will probably be sanctioned or deported.

According to United Nations data, more than 3 million Venezuelans have left the country since 2015 in search of refuge in neighboring countries because of the socio-economic crisis that the country is going through.

These displacements have had a main destination in Colombia, which is also close to one million Venezuelan citizens, but also Peru (506,000 displaced persons), Ecuador (221,000) and Brazil (85,000).

With information from EFE.

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