Facebook suspended the pre-installation of its applications in Huawei cell phones


Facebook announced on Friday that, in line with the US government’s sanctions against the Chinese giant, it will block the pre-installation of its applications on Huawei mobile phones.

The social network said it made the decision after US President Donald Trump declared a ban on exporting US technology to Huawei, based on concerns over the company’s link to Chinese intelligence services.

“We are reviewing the final opinion of the Department of Commerce and the most recent temporary general license and taking measures to ensure compliance,” a Facebook spokesperson told AFP.

However, current owners of Huawei smartphones that have the company’s applications (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram) will be able to continue using and updating them, the group told AFP, confirming the information published in the press.

This decision by Facebook is the latest move that has been made with the aim of isolating what is the second largest mobile phone company in the world, as a result of Washington’s fears regarding security.

Last month, Google announced that it would cut ties with Huawei, which would leave the Chinese company without the Play Store, the market for most applications of the Android operating system.

Facebook, which is banned in China but has more than two billion users worldwide, said the decision would affect its main social network, as well as apps like Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp, which have at least one billion dollars. users each

With information of AFP

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