
General of Aviation recognizes Guaidó as President of Venezuela


Venezuelan Aviation Division General Francisco Yánez ignored President Nicolás Maduro in a video broadcast on social networks on Saturday, becoming the highest-ranking active army in the Juan Guaidó recognition system as President in Charge of Venezuela. Said Yánez, who appears uniformed in the video.

Yánez, director of strategic planning for the command of the Bolivarian Aviation, stationed in the La Carlota air base, east of Caracas, assured that “90% of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces [FAN] is not with the dictator, is with the village of venezuela “.

“With the events of the last hours, the transition to democracy is imminent, to follow the armed force that continues to repress our people is to continue with the deaths of hunger, of diseases and, God forbid, of fighting among ourselves” he warned.

According to General Yánez, “Democratic comrades” of the presidential air group have informed him that “the dictator has two planes ready every day.” “Let him go!”, He emphasized.

“It’s a hard blow for the FANB even if it has no command,” Rocía San Miguel told military affairs.

Guaidó, who on Saturday will lead a demonstration to demand the exit of Maduro’s power, offers amnesty and the military that are in the main support of the government, the Armed Forces.

“I invite all the people of Venezuela to come peacefully to the streets and defend our president, Juan Guaidó, to my comrades-in-arms who do not turn their backs on the people of Venezuela, do not hold back,” he added.

The dome of the Armed Forces has repeatedly declared absolute loyalty to the president, but the institution shows problems. On January 21, two days before Guaidó proclaimed himself president-in-charge, 27 soldiers of the National Guard were saved against Maduro, and barricaded themselves in a barracks in Caracas, they were arrested.

That rebellion erupted in violence, with small protests and looting, which left about 40 dead and 850 detainees in a week, according to UN reports.

The NGO Control Ciudadano, which presides over San Miguel, estimates that about 180 troops were arrested in 2018 accused of conspiring, and about 10,000 members of the Armed Forces have asked for a dismissal since 2015.

Aviación Militar described General Yánez as a “traitor”

The Military Aviation called this Saturday a “traitor” to General Francisco Estéban Yánez Rodríguez, after he recognized Juan Guaidó as interim President of Venezuela.

“Unworthy man of arms who betrays the oath of allegiance and loyalty to the Fatherland of Bolívar and the legacy of Commander Hugo Chávez, and kneels before imperialist pretenses.” G / D Francisco Yanez traitor “, expressed the account of Military Aviation, via Twitter.

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