The Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, will make a five-day tour of South America that will take him to Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Cucuta, Colombia, on the border with Venezuela, to deepen ties in the Western Hemisphere.
During the visit Pompeo will promote economic opportunities, security and democracy, according to a senior official of the State Department.
Those four countries that will visit Pompeo are excellent models of the kind of transition Venezuela needs, the senior official said. Each of these countries has had to fight in recent times against dictatorships, have overcome these difficulties and have become strong advocates of the kind of society they have built.
“The trip of the Secretary (Pompeo) will emphasize our commitment to remain as the elected partner of the Western Hemisphere to build peace and prosperity in a region that in recent decades has overwhelmingly embraced freedom and democracy,” he said.
“We see that this is a critical moment for Venezuela, for Nicaragua, and for Cuba. Our cooperation with like-minded nations, such as those that the Secretary (Pompeo) is going to visit, can help less fortunate citizens and less free societies in our hemisphere turn the tide towards democracy. This is something that the United States supports, but it is something led by South America, this is a regional leadership, and we are proud to be with these governments, “the official added.
He said that Colombia, Paraguay and Peru belong to that “broad and growing regional consensus that says we must defend our values and reject those who deny freedom to their own citizens.”
He indicated that the USA will continue supporting the Venezuelan people until it achieves a “prosperous and stable democracy”.
“The US will continue to use the full force of diplomatic and economic pressure to make way for an inclusive democratic transition, including an end to the repression of Maduro and the release of the more than 850 prisoners of conscience he now has,” he said.
Secretary Pompeo’s trip begins on April 12 in Chile, where he will deliver a speech on US policy towards the region. In Santiago, Pompeo will meet with President Sebastián Piñera and with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero Espinoza.
It also highlights the visit of Mike Pompeo to Paraguay, on April 13, since it will be the first of a US Secretary of State since 1965. In Asunción, Pompeo will meet with President Mario Abdo Benitez and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luis Castiglioni.
The Trump administration recognizes the deep relationship with Paraguay and the tremendous potential it sees as partners and the transition it made from dictatorship to democracy. Pompeo will discuss the Paraguayan authorities’ strong desire to increase transparency and fight corruption, which will make Paraguay more attractive for American businesses.
During his visit to Lima, Secretary Pompeo will meet with President Martín Vizcarra and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Néstor Popolizio. International criminal organizations and drug trafficking are among the topics to be discussed in Lima.
The Secretary of State will also meet in Lima with American businessmen.
Pompeo will conclude its tour of South America in Cúcuta, Colombia, on the border with Venezuela. He will meet with some of the organizations that provide assistance to Venezuelans who have been displaced.
To date, the US contribution for humanitarian aid to the countries of the region that receive Venezuelan immigrants reaches 195 million dollars according to a high official of the Department of State.