
President of AN Juan Guaidó assumed the interim presidency of Venezuela


The president of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, assumed this January 23 for miles of Venezuelan citizens, the presidency of the Republic, the figure of the Constitution in articles 233 and 333.

Guaidó invoked articles “233 and 333 of our national Constitution, before Almighty God, before the people of Venezuela and my fellow deputies of the National Assembly, to assume the powers of the National Executive as the legitimate President in charge of the Republic of Venezuela, To achieve the cessation of the usurpation, a government of transition and free elections “.

He assured the Venezuelans that these actions can be seen in the country.

“We are not going to allow this great movement of hope and national strength to be deflated, and so that we can achieve this goal, I ask every Venezuelan, wherever he is, raise his right hand and let us swear all together as brothers, as Venezuelans, as “men and women who do not rest until they achieve the freedom and happiness of our people.”

He urged civil society to be attentive to the various activities scheduled for the next few days, among which will be presented next weekend of the Amnesty Law and the reception of international humanitarian aid, which will be held the first week of the month February

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