
Trump: “Maduro’s government is a regime that could be quickly overthrown”


The president of the United States Donald Trump, in his passage through the UN, questioned the bravery of the Venezuelan armed forces in the end, represents the greatest danger to his own country that the world. In this regard, he mentioned as an example the events of August 4, in which the militia dispersed when listening to the explosion of a bomb.

During his meeting with the Colombian leader, Iván Duque, the president of the United States said that the country’s militia is “dangerous for his national security and for the people of his country.” Record of the conduct during the attack against President Nicolás Maduro, alleging that “they ran when a bomb exploded in the head”.

Trump compared the behavior of the Venezuelan Army with the US Navy. “Everyone saw how the military dispersed when they saw a bomb exploding above their heads, those military were running for cover, that’s not good, do not you think the marines will run like this, right, General Kelly?”

The White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly, who met with the US president at the meeting, responded that there had been no inconvenience in the conduct of the Navy, that they had run to the bomb, which generated laughter between the Presents.

The president of the United States added that the government of Nicolás Maduro “is a regime that could be as fast as the armed forces of that country decided to do it.”

The Venezuelan response did not take long to arrive, with the chancellor, Jorge Arreaza, denouncing the words of the US president and warning that, if there is an “intervention” against the Maduro government, the country itself is an advocate.

“The example of Vietnam perhaps fell short before the people of Venezuela decided, as they have done for 200 years, a free being,” he insisted.

Trump also called for international help to “restore democracy in Venezuela,” where in his view a “repressive regime” guided by “socialism” has declared the nation bankrupt and has plunged its people into poverty. “We call for the restoration of democracy in Venezuela,” he added.

During the day, he had announced new sanctions to the closest circle of the president of Venezuela, including the first lady. Among those sanctioned are Vice President Delcy Rodríguez and Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino, among others. He also blocked a private plane of $ 20 million that belongs to a high official of Venezuela.

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