
Bachelet presented a devastating report declaring “serious violations” of DD. H H. In Venezuela


This Thursday, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, published the report on the situation of human rights in Venezuela.

In the published report highlights, the responsibility of the regime in matters of food and health, along with social discrimination for political reasons.

“The Government has not shown that it has used all the available resources to guarantee the progressive realization of the right to food (…) Violations of the right to health are the result of the Government’s failure to comply with its fundamental obligations, which can not be waived, even by economic reasons (…) However, discrimination based on political motives and social control through the carnets has a different impact on women’s ability to assert their rights, “says the report.

It also points out the censorship against the media, as well as the forced closure of broadcasters, television channels and the arrest of press workers and highlight that social networks as the main means of information for the population.

“The speed of the internet is gradually decreasing, including the lack of investment in infrastructure. Also, in recent years, the government has blocked independent news websites and has regularly blocked major social networks, “the report added.

They also showed that the regime has been dismantling, controlling and militarizing democratic institutions, especially “the National Assembly” and indicating that “the institutions responsible for the protection of human rights (…) do not carry out prompt, effective, exhaustive investigations, independent, impartial and transparent on violations of human rights and other crimes committed by state actors. “

Meanwhile, the report concludes that impunity has allowed the constant violation of human rights, called for a transparent investigation into the violations to find those responsible and noted that the sanctions have aggravated the crisis in the country.

-Discussed extrajudicial executions-

The head of the UN calls in its conclusions for the dissolution of the Special Forces (FAES), to which he attributes in particular most of the 5,287 extrajudicial killings, supposedly due to “resistance to authority”, during police operations in 2018.

“Between January 1 and May 19 of this year, another 1,569 people were killed, according to the government’s own statistics, and other sources suggest that the figures could be much higher,” Bachelet points out.

In addition there are 793 people arbitrarily deprived of freedom, says the High Commissioner.

“The government refused to recognize the magnitude of the crisis until recently and did not adopt the appropriate measures,” he explains.

The situation is “complex”, admits Bachelet, who was able to meet with the main protagonists of the crisis and with victims.

“This report contains clear recommendations on measures that can be taken immediately to stop current violations, provide justice to the victims and create a space for meaningful discussions,” says Bachelet.

In addition to the dissolution of the FAES and the “collectives”, Bachelet recommends the creation of “an impartial and independent national mechanism” to analyze these extrajudicial executions, and asks the government to regularly publish comprehensive data on health, access to water and food, among others, of the Venezuelan population.

The report recalls that the High Commissioner has requested the creation of a permanent office in the South American country.

With information from NTN24 Venezuela

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