Florida State Republican Senator Rick Scott visited the Simón Bolívar border bridge with Colombian officials and representatives of the National Assembly on Wednesday to closely observe the humanitarian crisis experienced by Venezuelans.
Scott reiterated the recognition by the US government. UU to the president (e) of Venezuela Juan Guaidó, and at the same time expressed his gratitude to the international community for the support to the country.
The American senator shared with some Venezuelans who walked by the Simón Bolívar Bridge and listened to the requests of people who asked for help to get out of the current crisis facing the country.
“Help us, we do not have anything,” a senator asked tearfully, which generated the diplomat’s embrace.
Rick Scott, said that President Donald Trump has done everything possible to help Venezuelans and Colombians and said “Maduro’s time is over”
“My heart is with the whole family of Venezuela who do not have food, water, medicine, electricity, it is terrible. Maduro is a bully, “said Scott.
The Venezuelan border is closed since last February 22 by orders of the Maduro regime, to prevent the entry of humanitarian aid, since then Venezuelans who wanted to escape the crisis have been forced to cross by trail.
With information from NTN24 Venezuela.