
#VIDEO UN: Venezuelan regime freed Afiuni, Jatar and 20 students


The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, said Friday that a few days after her visit to Venezuela, 62 political prisoners were released and, on Thursday, 22 people were released, including the journalist. Braulio Jatar, who was under a presentation regime every 15 days and banned from leaving the country.

On the other hand, Judge Maria Lourdes Afiuni who was part of the political prisoners of the Venezuelan regime since 2009 was also released after 10 years.
For what he appreciates the acceptance by the Venezuelan regime of two human rights officers, “I understand them as a sign of a new commitment of the Venezuelan authorities with the resolution of the multiple material challenges of DD. H H. facing the country. “

He stated that excessive force has been present against the demonstrators, in this case by the Special Actions Forces (FAES), regarding torture is one of the most applied methods, such was the tragic case of Corvette Captain Rafael Acosta Arévalo a week ago, who was the victim of a homicide.

He also said that the serious economic crisis that Venezuela has is what has led to such tragic results in terms of health, food, education, that is, affects the fundamental rights of citizens.

Bachelet said at a press conference that they as an organization are committed to assigning 10 special editors who can visit Venezuela in the course of the next two years, so they are working on a timetable to find out who the people in charge will be in. view that some have been offered and others have been requested by the Maduro regime.

With information from NTN24.

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